
Uplifting News

2014-01-27 / 2598

    Spring breeze refreshesthe world; uplifting news adds glory to dragon year.  In the joint efforts of all employees, ourcompany obtained the Second-class Housing Construction Qualification, and hasconsistently won Qingdao High-tech Zone GuanhuaRoad Project (East of No.12 Line), LiuzhouRoad (Lanzhou Road to Xianggang Road) and Simenshou Road (Moat - Liuzhou Road) Projectin west of Jiaozhou City, SouthSection of Guhe Street Road Improvement Project in Lige Town, the total biddingcost is 170,595,965.55 Yuan.

    On February 27, 2012, the company successfully obtained the Second-classHousing Construction Qualification, since then, our company can undertake housingconstruction works which the chienan should be less than five times ofregistered capital within five times of registered capital for construction safetycosts; that is buildings below 28 floors, houses within 36 meters single span,and complexes no more than 120,000 square meters. The upgrading of Housing ConstructionQualification supplies us an unprecedented opportunity to secure large scaleprojects and boosts market competitiveness.

     On March 7, 2012, the company successfully won the bid Qingdao High-tech Zone Huaguan Road (Eastof No.12 Road) Project, the bidding price is 25,995,852.78 Yuan, and theproject manager is Lv Zhantong. In March 16, 2012, the company won the bid Liuzhou Road (Lanzhou Road to Xianggang Road) andSimenshou Road (Moat - Liuzhou Road) Project in west of Jiaozhou City,the bidding price is 117,939,932.22 Yuan, and the project manager is SunChengshan. On March 26, 2012, as a joint venture with Sanfeng Road and Bridge Company, we wonthe bid South Section of Guhe Street RoadImprovement Project in Lige Town, and the bidding price is 26,660,180.55 Yuan.The winning of three consecutive projects greatly boosted the enthusiasm of allstaff, especially Liuzhou Road (LanzhouRoad to Xianggang Road) and Simenshou Road (Moat - Liuzhou Road) Project inwest of Jiaozhou City, which is the largest amount municipal project sincethe establishment of our company. The personnel in each department successfullycomplemented projects bidding under the strategic leadership. They overcame difficultiesand ultimately put forward reasonable and sophisticated technical solutions andprice quotation. The company gets a good reputation and excellence performancewith the team spirits and top quality.

    On behalf of Marking Department, I extend sincere thanks to colleagues forsparing no effort to support our work, therefore our company stands out amongthe many competitors and successfully won the bids. We look forward to furthercooperation among staff, enjoying the fruitful achievements after hard-workingand cooperation. We strive for a successful completion of expectation duringthis year and create a more bright future for our company.